About verb-o-matic
Verb-o-matic is an open source web application designed to assist people who want to learn foreign or ancient languages or IPA symbols online. It currently features three kinds of exercises: 1) a vocabulary training exercise, 2) a verb form identification exercise, 3) an IPA symbols exercise.
System requirements
You need an up-to-date browser to use verb-o-matic properly. I recommend to use a recent version of Firefox. You need to have Javascript enabled, but you don't need cookies. There are some known issues with older browser.
Please note that there may still be issues with verb-o-matic, in both the code and the content. Please report any issues you find to the bugtracker.
You are more than welcome to contribute to verb-o-matic! Please check out the source code and data on Github. All content of the exercises are in plain UTF-8 encoded text files, which should make it hopefully easy for you to design your own exercises, if you wish to do so.
(Earlier, it used to be hosted on Google Code.)
Concept, design & code: Luzius Thöny (lucius dot antonius at gmail dot com)
Icons: courtesy of the Tango Icon Gallery.
Sound recordings: from Wikipedia. Thanks to the following recorders:
- Peter Isotalo
- Denelson83
- TheMexican
Code license
The code is licensed under the GPL3.
Content license
All content created by me is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.
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